If you are looking for an affordable rental, you can check for units here:
There are three housing authorities in Lake County who provide affordable housing resources. You can reach out to see if any of their waiting lists are open.
1. Lake County Housing Authority at 847-223-1170 or http://www.lakecountyha.org/
2. Waukegan Housing Authority at 847-244-8500 or http://www.waukeganhousing.com/
3. North Chicago Housing Authority at 785-4300 x100 or http://www.northchicagohousing.org/
If you are in need of immediate shelter in Lake County, IL, you can connect with Lake County PADS between the hours of 10am and 4am at 1800 Grand Ave in Waukegan or by calling 847-689-4357.
If you are fleeing abuse in your home, please call A Safe Place's toll free hotline at 1-800-600-SAFE or 847-249-4450.
If you are looking for other information on housing or services, you can learn more about that by calling 211 from your phone or visiting https://211lakecounty.org/.